Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ray of Sunshine by Carla Prieto
This image is an example of HDR photography. This photo was composed of several (about 7) images with different exposures and processed into one image in photoshop using the HDR option. The different levels of exposure is meant to capture every detail and have a high definition picture. I chose to shoot this tree, because of the wind that day. I knew that the leaves and branches moving would have a blur effect once processed, but that had been my intention. I wanted to capture movement and serenity at the same time. I also made sure the sunlight was perfectly through the branches instead of being covered, because it gave the feeling of serenity. I wish I would've spent more time shooting and used more images to capture more deatil, but nonetheless, I captured what I was aiming for.

1 comment:

  1. i really love the sun ray shining through the branches! it even follows the rule of thirds which gives your shot a better perspective. I am not so sure on how i feel about the tree itself. I think that the leafs make the tree look somewhat strange. but other than that, i like it!
