Tuesday, September 3, 2013

About Me

My name is Carla G. Prieto, and I'm a senior at Orange Glen High School in Escondido, California. I'm a full time student athlete playing soccer as my winter sport and a cheerleader for our school's football and basketball teams. On the weekends I'm an employee at A Delight of France in downtown Escondido. I'm always on a busy schedule, but when I get a chance to catch my breath, I read, draw/paint, surf, do yoga, and work out at the gym. I'm a perfectionist so I like to plan my goals for the week and my schedule, as well as organizing my priorities and mapping out the time I have to complete my homework assignments. I enjoy taking photography and learning about art, especially of other cultures, which is why I took a photography class. I like seeing what other artists and photographers see through their "lens", and that is why I took an Art History class as well, because not only do I enjoy seeing their perception of objects, but I like knowing what their thoughts were and what influenced their thoughts.

Since I enjoy helping others and have a fascination with the development of infants, I want to pursue a career as a neonatal doctor. But I don't want to give up art completely. I want a minor in either Art History, photography, or journalism and publications. I like seeing how images affect the audience with social and political statements. Art has affected my life entirely. Since taking both a photography class and an art history class, I can relate and have conversations and share ideas with others that share the same interests as me. Going to museums and actually understanding what the art is saying has become one of the biggest accomplishments in my life, because art is its own language. The conversations become richer and I love exchanging knowledge with others. After these classes, I never knew how much art affected society and how big of a part it is in our every day lives. From billboards to commercials, to cartoons and television shows, art references are always being made. I hope to always continue to make art a part of my life no matter what major or career I pursue.

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